Sunday 25 September 2011

We're going to Milan!!

Yes indeed, between the 6th and 9th of October. Myself, Gergely, Peter and Jack and guess what? We'll be couchsurfing! Have never done that before so I'm hoping this first time will give me the courage to do it more often in the future. Good thing to have come into the world, couchsurfing. I'm so thrilled because Italy were definitely one of the places I'd wanted to visit since coming here, and my dreams will come true! The food especially, can't wait to eat their fooooood.

Also going to Luxembourg next weekend (1st to 2nd Oct) with my roomie Phyllis. That was a very spontaneous decision and while Jack turned down the opportunity because of his budget (snore), I decided to grab life by the balls and buy my train ticket. Don't know much about Luxembourg except that it's a very small country, wealthy, and with the usual nice European architecture. Probably colder than France too.

Aaand while I'm on the topic of travelling, my mum and Greggles will be meeting me in Barcelona during the semester break between Oct 31 and Nov 6! Can't wait for that but most of all to see them again :) But of course planning trips with my mum can get quite frustrating because we don't agree on hotels, prices, flights etc, and for some reason she's given me the responsibility of picking the hotel. Used to be my parents' job, but guess it's mine now. Hopefully I pick one she likes.

Ok and next blog post coming up.....right after this!

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