Friday 9 September 2011

The one week mark

Today marks the first week i've spent in Paris. Many observations made, about myself, Singaporeans and....yeah mainly those two things.

So i've realised that i'm an introvert at heart. I do like meeting people, but I like spending time with the few people i love even more. Something about socializing every day, constantly dishing out the small talk to people is very tiresome to me. I find i don't really like people who are able to move on from friend to friend fast, because they don't seem to treasure each individual relationship with a person as much as they treasure having as many relationships as possible. I do, at the end of this exchange, want to have made many new friends like I did in Hungary-those guys i really came to like- but so far, all the small talk is just getting too much for me. Oh well but then again, tomorrow is a new day, who knows if my opinion will change :)

On a random note, living with two roomies who have a girlfriend and boyrfriend, with whom they constantly skype with makes me miss the old times. I know and i've told myself that i'm not going to let myself feel those feelings about my ex anymore cos of what he did, but i really can't sometimes. Especially today 9th Sept 2011, when a few of us went to Notre Dame and St Michel, wow i was suddenly feeling overwhelmed with the memories and started feeling so emo. And of all bridges to walk across, we just had to cross the love bridge or whatever they call it, where couples put locks along the bridge and throw the key into the river....damn.

Besides the sad/emo stuff (Paris really brings out a lot of emotions in you) last night we hung out with this Hungarian guy (see i'm so fond of them now haha) with 3 bottles of wine and cheese along La Seine river. We were just talking and drinking and i guess i hadn't eaten much that day so i got the high feeling sooner. But that was fine cos i like that feeling anyway. Then my friend was smoking and for some reason i felt like smoking too so i asked him for a couple of puffs. first time. didn't cough or anything. wouldn't mind trying again. then the drinks filled up my bladder and i had to go really bad so i went with my girl friend and i actually peed by a tree. and then again behind a car. never done that before either. don't pity the guy who probably came for his car the next morning haha. then we drank some more and before i knew it i couldn't walk in a straight line (guys, you know me right, when have i every been unable to walk in a straight line!! usually i can right!) shit but this time according to my roomies i was "zig-zagging" everywhere, and don't think they'll let me forget it. Can't really remember walking home or showering or putting on my pajamas and falling asleep, props to me. Then i puked too, i think i remember waking up at 430 am to go and puke again. Next morning I couldn't eat a thing, kept feeling nauseous, but eventually managed to pull myself together, and make some notes on Winch's "The Universalizability of Moral Judgement". Props man, props.

Oh yea and the thing about Singaporeans: Whenever another exchange student asks us what we think of Paris so far, I want to say something like "The city is beautiful, i actually don't mind walking around it alone and getting lost in it". but the other two usually say "French administration sucks...everyone's so slow and inefficient at the can't get what you need without doing alot of other shit first...blahblah" And i'm thinking, damn, Singaporeans always find something to complain about. Even in Paris.

Well, I wanted something quintessential, and I guess peeing behind a tree like a hobo, smoking along the Seine, "dining" on French wine and cheese along said river and missing your old love in the city of love definitely count. DAMN :)


  1. awww friend... *hugs*! hey fren rmb you're in paris!!! you're there to create happy and wonderful memories for yourself so don't dwell on the past too much! Love ya XOXO

    PS your frens only have one person to skype with, you have all five of us! kkk

  2. yea! you got 5 of us!! :D and your blog post was really entertaining! blog more! really miss yall!! the past few days felt sooo long, like a few weeks. :0

    and can't believe u peed at a tree and near a man's car! lol. we sure won't want to be that man. :B

  3. Gurlfriendddddd. I have done so much worse than that. You guys seriously need to get drunk more so I don't look like a terrible drunk. Sounds like you're having a lovely time Yvonne. I know what you mean about making small talk. Sometimes I want to make new friends but it's just too much effort. And a lot of Singaporeans I've met here are highly annoying. Not looking forward to being surrounded by so many of them when I come back haha. And yeah I love Bibbles comment. You have 5 of us!! Bfs are so restrictive too. And then you'll miss them and bla bla. So no bf=more good times :) love,love Bhav.
