Sunday 18 September 2011

Hung(a)ry in Paris!

Ok so lame pun about all the Hungarian friends i've been making in Paris. It's funny cos when I mentioned that "joke" to one of them, he was like "Oh that joke is so original, i've never heard one like that before!" which made it very funny actually.

So i've taken more photos since the last time! But my camera somehow managed to die, dunno how, not like it was overworked or anything, heh.

So past week, i've met more hungarians then ever, i guess cos we met one, and he intro-ed us to his friends who intro-ed us to more, and hence expanded the hungarian web. Interesting that it's happening to me though, or perhaps it's because when I tell them i've lived in Hungary for a while and can share with them my impressive (hehe) Hungarian vocab, it makes for good conversation.

So on Thursday night, we headed to a club on the ground floor of the Montparnasse tower, the tallest tower in Paris with the bunch of Hungarians and i forgot to bring my ID but one girl who also had curly hair offered to lend me hers and the stupid (or maybe just overwhelmed) bouncer didn't even notice. This was a really big club with alot of gay Italian men in tight shirts, it was quite funny actually cos some of them were so flamboyant. There was also this cute blond Hungarian friend who i was hanging out with quite abit, His name is Gergely, and it's cute cos it's pronounced Ger-go, but i just say Gergely cos it sounds like Gargling. Hahaha. And he got very drunk but managed to walk all the way back from the tower to our appartment, just to accompany my friend and me. and then he rode a bike all the way back to his place, took him 30 minutes and apparently he banged into several (stationary) cars on the way. such a funny fella.

And then next day is from when these pictures below were taken. Gergely, Jack, another two Hungarians called Peter and Dory and I met at the Place de la Concorde and just randomly toured some spots around Paris. First the Jewish street, then the George Pompidou building, which is just a big museum of sorts, and then to the Bois de Boulogne Park which is very wide with a big lake in the middle, full of trees and long, winding paths in between and we just walked and took random turns and came across nice things like horses, acorns, and old men playing some weird ball game.

These Hungarians that I met reminded me so much of last year and especially of the impression that I had of Hungarians--that they really knew their history and are very intelligent. So i kept hearing stories about how Paris was built, it's history, for example--did you know that the Parisiens hated the Eiffel Tower when it was first built because they found it to be an eyesore? And also that when the Germans invaded France, Hitler was too lazy to climb and conquer the Eiffel Tower so the Germans just left it be without destroying it as they had planned? Awesome stuff huh.

And then in the evening, after dinner at the most budget place in the world where foods from each course carry a certain number of "points" and after you fill your tray with whatever combination of starters, mains, desserts you want, the points=how much in euros you have to pay. I paid 3 euros for a whole pizza, a bowl of couscous (kuskus?) and a coconut cheesecake!

After that we went to Gergely's appartment and drank some different wines and played this Italiam game called Bang! which was super-complicated at first but then got easier and more fun. There was sheesha as well, apple-flavoured, which was good, and also more card games after. All was good until I fell backwards  from my chair, which was so embarrassing for me at the time but now i keep laughing when i think about it. Especially when Jack says in his deadpan voice, "So drunk until you fall down..." which i wasn't of course, the chair was just hammocky and weird.

And this time, when I really had to pee, I found a restaurant toilet to pee in, albeit the men's room.


  1. Aww sounds fun! Gargling. Heh.

  2. And wooah woah first at a car in public and now the men's room ehh! ;b

  3. hhahah lots of bladder activity gg on...!
