Wednesday 14 September 2011

I don't know why I haven't been taking many pictures

Strange, but i thought i'd be taking more. I guess part of it is because people here just don't take many pictures in general, least of all my roomates. People here are just very "cool", like, they have this "cool" air about them that seems simply effortless. Or maybe it's because i have another 3 months here and there will be plenty of opportunities to take pictures. Or maybe i'm just lazy.

So since the last time I blogged, i went to a boat party with my cousin and her 2 friends. Crowd was pretty old, some of the people I met were 25-30. View was awesome and the drinks were good as well. We could get 3 caramel shots for 10 euros~ 16 SGD. And it was also cool that on that day, Sept 10th, the eve of a decade since 9/11, they had built these two makeshift twin towers and a stage for the concert the next day with the sign "The French will Never Forget". Felt pretty amazing to be part of that moment in a country that doesn't just say they care but does something  to prove it.

Also hung out with my other cousins here. Went to have crepes last Tuesay--I think the first one was chicken and then we had a nutella crepe for dessert. Wow, everything from the wrap to the meat to the veges to the sauce, the chocolate (even the temperature of the chocolate) to the whipped cream was so damn good, i think it's the best meal I've had so far. And so Sunday went to Versailles to meet an uncle and the grandma, and had the first indian home-cooked meal here :) And just came home from meeting another cousin, watched super 8 ( i didn't get it) and had some Lebanese food (sort of like a meat and vege wrap that was also really awesome and some Lebanese dessert that looked like Turkish delight and another thing called Halva) and took a walk around some part of Paris. Sorry i don't know the name of the food or the place! :P

Other than that, I really love this new appartment. Need to clean and do own laundry and cook and do grocery shopping etc, but it's comfy and cosy and good to come back to after a day out :)

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