Sunday 25 September 2011

Musee d'Orsay, Champ de Mars, Sacre Coeur and Drunk Yet Again

Ok so in the order in which these events took place: Also: Long post ahead! Take it slow, folks :)

On Thursday, 22nd September, myself, Gergely, Peter and Jack went to visit this museum called Musee d'Orsay. It's basically a museum of impressionist artwork, mainly paintings, some sculptures and oddly enough, furniture. We spent about 2 hours walking around it, but no picture-taking was allowed, so no pictures, soz guys! It was a really cool place though, there were some really good pieces in there, and also some with pointillism in it. Why in the world someone would wanna make a pointillist piece of art is beyond me. But the others were really nice. After that the two guys came over to our place for a visit, and that's when we bought our Milan tickets (see below).

Next day, TGIF, though almost everyday's like Friday for me seeing as I should be but am not studying. Myself, Jack, Phyllis, Peter and this other Chinese-Indonesian-Aussie guy called Ie Wen went to the Champ de Mars, which is this big sprawling garden right before the Eiffel Tower, at about 730pm, with baguettes, cheese, ham and of course, cheap French wine. The view was great, there were these African/Arab guys illegally selling beers, wines and little Eiffel Towers as they usually do and the company was really fun as well. Ie Wen is a really funny guy, Chinese face with Aussie accent and we were talking about all kinds of silly things like Remi Gaillard, this incredibly funny French guy who makes the craziest vids on youtube and also we got to teaching each other words in Hungarian, Tamil and Bahasa. Then we walked home :)

On a side note, I realise I have more fun hanging out with these friends without my roomies around (or at least just the girl) because her way of talking, behaving can be so annoying and insensitive. Very strong Singaporean accent that just irks me and she has this habit of complaining to herself aloud about everything (like I care) and says really insensitive things sometimes like this once I offered our collective stash of milo packets to this friend who stayed the night, and first thing she says, in front of him is, "I was saving the milo for winter". That's fine I get it, good plan actually, but not in front of the guest I just offered some too. She sleeps superrr late at night, almost 5am and sleeps all through the day so me, being sensitive, go out of my way trying not to make so much noise. Which is plain stupid cos it's the daytime already and normal people have to do stuff in the day. I really hope we don't end up fighting one of these days.

And finally yesterday, Saturday, the same 3 guys and me went to up this hill called Montmartre with this really beautiful church on top of it called Sacre Coeur (Sacred Heart). Brought some wine and cheese and this time I started drinking alot again. Luckily there was this big public washroom nearby so I could just use that (for a fee of one euro) hehe. And sadly, this time I puked ALOT, and twice, once by some bushes up the hill and the second time in the frikkin metro station, aiyo soo embarrassing.

And here's the most interesting part of this whole post!:  Drunk me flirts with Gergely quite a bit. And it's cool (and a relief) that he flirts back. It was so cute when he offered to piggyback me down the hill and even in the metro station and back home. Nothing happened, I guess cos the other 2 guys were around, but yea, the two of us were pretty "close" the rest of the night. He came back to our place ( I don't know if it was cos he was too tipsy to cycle home or cos he just wanted to make sure I was okay). Strange though, how even after puking in front of him, and last week falling backward from a chair at his place, he still likes me and doesn't think me an idiot :P

This morning I texted him saying I was sorry for behaving so stupidly last night and he replied saying there was no need for me to apologize, hoped I was okay and suggested the two of us should hang out alone sometime. Yay hehe :D

And here's another interesting fun fact. While I was too tipsy to notice, Jack and Gergely went to find one of those Arab/African dudes selling some herbs ifyouknowwhatimean and did NOT have some after that ;)


  1. wow brother! looks like you're having a time of your life. :B watch the alcohol maaan. but anyway, hope things go well for u and ehem. :B

  2. Heyyy! So fun, i'm glad you're having fun and i'm so totally jealous how everyday is like friday for you! Totally dying back here in singapore. I'm like meeting the twins every 2 fridays now. It's great you've got friends who take care of you esp *ahem*! I wanna hear more updatesssss :) and i can totally imagine how annoying your roomie is hahah. Anyways like the twins said ease up on the booze okay!!
    Misss youuu!!
