Tuesday 29 November 2011

Things I have cooked

-"Pork chops" with potato wedges, green peas with rice and tomato sauce
-Boiled rice and Bak kut teh (instant but I boiled the pork!)
-Fried pork/turkey with prata/chapatti/tortilla
-Apple caramel sauce
-Cocotte de porc


Wednesday 16 November 2011

The long-lost Update Part 2: Barcelona!

Hey all! Today I've decided to blog under no other influence but my own. I'm supposed to be working on an essay right now and well, blogging is the lesser evil at the moment. Kidding! I'm just feeling content enough to reminisce and write today :)

I'll talk about Barcelona here, because I really feel that this was one entire week that passed so quickly, so dramatically and so beautifully, but leaving me feeling under (not over) whelmed by it all. Out of the ei8ht odd weeks that I've spent here, getting adjusted, one more cannot help but blend the others in a vague mass of time, no matter how much I had expected it to be just a tad different from the rest.

I was glad to leave the apartment for a week, just to get away from household responsibilities (and filth). Taking the metro, bus, and then the plane made me remember the reason why I'm here; that sense of adventure, daring and independence is irreplacable....except by one thing. Seeing mummy and wee lil' Greg again, sitting together and anxiously waiting for me at the bus stop in Placa Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain baby ;)

I get off and we all hug and get excited and kiss and hug some more and start furiously trying to catch up with all that we've missed about one anothers' lives that past 2 months. Greg's confirmation, his final exams, his inter-class soccer tournament that he helped his team win, yea mainly Greg stuff. Then we headed off to have lunch and then back to the hotel for them to sleep away their jet-lag and in the evening we walked down to La Sagrada Familia (The Sacred Family), which is this very big and famous Church that looks like something Willy Wonka may have helped to design, if you notice the kooky architecture.

Joke: We went to this Church 3 times in one week. Twice for mass, once just for the visit. 8 weeks alone in Paris and I've been to mass just once. One week with my mother and we're there thrice.

The next few days truly taught me the value of The Map. I spent our nights in the hotel circling good spots to visit, tracing the metro routes there as well as the important roads we had to follow. All in all we checked out La Rambla (long, crowded, side shop-lined tourist pathway headed toward the ocean), FC Barcelona stadium, the Montjuic Castle (had to take a cable car up there to roam the castle, which was a blast), Parc Guell (very very high point on a hill, overlooking the whole city), the port, and the Mediterranean Sea, which made me feel really satisfied because I had helped give my family a fruitful trip :D

Realized my mother is getting old, because she couldn't walk long distances without needing a drink or a sit-down, which frustrated me cos all I do around here is walk everywhere, exploring, finding new ways to get around. And she got all "blur tourist" too, because I feel she really started to rely on me too much to figure out our plans. And I regret and am very very ashamed to admit that I got annoyed with her, even though that was the one week I could be with her till Christmas. It got us three talking though, one night, and she told me about her fears of her children getting older and more independent and less reliant on her, which made me get sad and then determined that I'll never abandon my mum. Then we went and ate Gelato :D

Greg made really funny jokes the whole time. We saw one guy jogging and he said "I bet that guy's thinking: I really need to pee!" Mummy left her scarf in Sagrada and Greg said "Oh well at least God has a scarf now."